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The Autumn Gray

So! Here it is. Was. Whatever. My first book.

It’s been a half-dozen years and change now, and while I’m not without appreciation for the experience, let’s be honest here– this fucker could’ve been considerably better.

It needed a few more passes in the editing process, first in foremost. Both for copyediting and for the purposes of tightening up the story. There are still some things in there to this day that make me cringe harder than the dark, musty armpits of Tumblr.

But it was my first attempt. And now, as I’m coming back to this whole “writing” racket, trying to take what I’ve learned and carve out a fresh new identity for myself– I can’t deny that it’s still cool to day “hey, yeah, I made this thing.”

Plus, even with its considerable warts and pockmarks and– ehhhh, you get the idea– people seem to enjoy it. If you want to see where I got my start, then who knows– maybe you will, too!

Just keep in mind, it’s a very rough affair, and if you’re not into it, scout’s honor– yes, I was a scout, once upon a time, which I’m sure comes as quite the shock– I’ll still love you.

Published inNovelsThe Autumn Gray